ReAble provides client centred and evidenced based diet and nutrition services within its Neuro Rehabilitation programmes for stroke patient, paralysis patient, patients who have Brain Injuries, Spinal Injuries or other neurological conditions like Bell’s palsy, Guillain barre syndrome (GBS) and Parkinson’s disease.

The aim is to help and enable the patient to achieve his/her rehabilitation goals with good nutrition. Nutrition and Hydration is an essential for the body to function, to repair and adapt. Having poor nutrition can cause weight increase and comorbidities and interfere with the progress and rehabilitation process.

At ReAble you get expert advice from clinical nutritionists who support the client make better food choices through education, support, and tailor-made diet plans based on their rehabilitation goals.

What is a Dietitian / Nutrition specialist?

Dietitians are uniquely qualified to translate scientific information about nutrition and food into practical dietary advice, says NHS. Dietitians and nutritionists are experts in the use of food and nutrition to promote health and manage disease. They advise people on what to eat in order to lead a healthy lifestyle or achieve a specific health-related goal.

Nutrition and Neuro Rehabilitation

Following a healthy and balanced diet goes a long way in the speedy recovery and effectiveness of physical therapy to regain muscular function and bone strength. Our diet and nutrition specialists guide the patients and their families to put together the right diet plans that suit the patients’ taste as well as rehab requirements to facilitate the healing process.

At ReAble Neuro Rehabilitation, your assessment will include understanding of physical, cognitive as well as dietary condition. The multi-disciplinary team works hand in hand to support the patient in recovery and achieving their goals. Some of the key highlights related to ReAble’s approach to Nutrition include:

  • Once the assessment is done, a personalised Indian diet plan is suitably prepared, which upon being followed guarantees effective recovery in a safe and speedy manner.
  • Your dietitian will work with a team of specialists – who may also teach how to position your body or how to put food in your mouth to be able to swallow better (Occupational therapist) or teach exercises for your swallowing muscles (physiotherapist) – to train your muscles to work together to help you swallow or changing the foods you eat (nutritionist)
  • The diet plan will be designed to take care of your food habits, food preferences along with bowel and bladder function (based on the neuro disorder) and nutrition requirements for a successful rehabilitation.

Why choose ReAble?

Dysphagia and aspiration often lead to secondary conditions in patients after stroke and brain injuries including malnutrition, dehydration, weight loss and decreased quality of life. At ReAble, we make sure that each patient is adequately nourished to support the challenging rehabilitative tasks that we ask them to do.

Our team of dieticians also works to ensure our patients’ diets are adapted when they are incapable of chewing, swallowing or digesting certain types of food – due to debilitating conditions like motor neurone disease, stroke and paralysis.

Few conditions where specialised nutrition advice can make a world of a difference in rehabilitation include:

A healthy diet is not a temporary requirement rather a necessary lifestyle modification. Understand that the immune system and muscle strengthening highly depend on the right kind of nutrition- enriched with enough vitamins, minerals and proteins. That is why a healthy diet is so important for recovery after brain injury and neuro injury. The first step to connecting to one of our specialized diet and nutrition specialists is to book an assessment session.

Let’s talk about how ReAble can help you.
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