At ReAble Neuro Rehabilitation, we believe speech therapy is an essential part of your recovery after stroke or neurological disorder causing dysarthria, dysphagia, aphasia and apraxia. Our Speech and Language Therapists work with people with a range of speech, communication and swallowing difficulties as a result of neurological illness or injury, such as stroke, head injury, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and traumatic brain injury.

What is Speech Therapy?

Speech therapy is treatment for problems with speaking, language, and swallowing. It is given by a speech therapist, also called a speech language pathologist (SLP). Speech therapy helps with using the voice properly and using the muscles to make the right sounds.

At ReAble, we offer an evidence-based, person-centered, meaningful approach to help the patients re-learn the skills needed to succeed in daily life. Our strategies and Speech therapy exercises include, but are not limited to:

  • Adult speech therapy
  • Swallowing rehabilitation programs
  • Cognitive communication treatment
  • Compensatory strategy training
  • Drills and practice training

Benefits of Speech and Language Therapy

Speech therapist examine language, vocal patterns, and even swallowing for a better understanding of a condition so that their patients attain better communication skills. Speech pathologists can be especially helpful for:

Aphasia treatment

Aphasia is a language and/or speech impairment that can affect speech, writing, reading, and general communication. A common symptom of aphasia and speech impairment in stroke patients is trouble regulating breathing while speaking. Speech therapy involves understanding what words to say, how to say them, when to breathe, and how to form full sentences.

Dysarthria treatment

When treating Dysphagia with therapy, the role of the Speech Language Pathologist is to evaluate swallowing dysfunction and difficulties. At ReAble, your speech therapist will work with a team of specialists who may also teach how to position your body or how to put food in your mouth to be able to swallow better or teach exercises for your swallowing muscles (physiotherapist) – to train your muscles to work together to help you swallow or changing the foods you eat (nutritionist)

Speech therapy for stroke patients

Speech therapy is a key part of rehabilitation after a stroke. Stroke patients can greatly benefit from speech therapy exercises. These can help them relearn how to make sounds, form words, and breathe properly during speech. Some stroke patients may also need help with swallowing and chewing.

Who will benefit from Speech Therapy?

Patients helped by speech and language therapy at Reable Neuro Rehabilitation:

  • Patients with speech or swallowing problems due to neurological causes, like stroke or multiple sclerosis (MS).
  • Patients whose cranial nerves have been affected due to disease or surgery.
  • Patients with movement disorders that affect communication or swallowing.
  • Patients with early cognitive decline that is affecting communication, due to conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
  • Any other patient with neurological communication or swallowing problems.

Speech pathologists are trained professionals who can help your loved one communicate with confidence. They will address speech problems after a stroke or neurological illness and regaining lost skills in the most effective way possible. The first step to connecting to one of our specialized virtual speech therapists is to book an assessment session.

Let’s talk about how ReAble can help you.
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